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Let Us Help You Create a Custom Blog to Build Your Business, Increase Your Income, and Boost Your Authority... 

Or purchase one of our content blogs to help you start blogging quickly, or to use as a blog you can use to grow, flip, and profit!

Your Blog is In the Works

Blogs In the Making is a top-notch provider of customized blog solutions for businesses and individuals looking to enhance their branding and grow their online presence. We specialize in creating high-quality, engaging blogs using the Ghost platform, a powerful content management system that allows us to deliver outstanding results.

Our team of skilled writers and digital marketing experts work together to create compelling blog content that resonates with your target audience, builds trust, and establishes your brand as an industry leader. We take the time to understand your unique needs and goals, and tailor our approach to meet your specific requirements.

In addition to our custom blog creation services, we also offer pre-made content blogs that are ready for purchase. These blogs come with pre-written content and income-producing referral links, making them a great option for those who want to hit the ground running with their online blog or business.

At Blogs In the Making, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, cost-effective solutions that help our clients achieve their online goals. Whether you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, or personal brand looking to build your online presence, we have the expertise and experience to help you succeed with your blog. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a powerful online presence through blogging.

  • Need a Custom Blog

  • Share you idea and we'll run with it or provide us with a detailed description of what you want your blog to be. We'll create a fully-branded, custom blog you'll be proud to use and share.

  • From Setup to Content Maintenance

  • We can help you get your blog up and running with minimal content and show you how to grow it from there.

  • Purchase one of our Content Blogs

  • If you're looking for blog idea or wanting a starter blog from which to build a business or a blog asset to grow and flip, you're in the right place too. We're creating starter blogs all the time with killer domain brands and beginning content with up to 50 posts to launch.

  • Blog to Build Business & Income

  • If you're not already blogging for your brand or business, we're a great place to start. Call Mike, our Head Blog Maker, with any questions or to get started. 480-349-7842

    Why We Build with Ghost

    Here are just a few of the reasons why we chose Ghost as our platform to build blogs for our clients:

    We like easy: Using Ghost is simple and easy. Adding content is a breeze for you or any of your staff. Ghost has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for anyone to use. This is particularly important for a blog building company, as it allows clients to easily manage their blogs without requiring technical expertise.

    Focus on blogging: Ghost was specifically designed for blogging, which makes it a great platform for building a blog building company. It offers all the necessary features for creating and managing a blog, such as a clean and intuitive writing interface, SEO optimization, tagging, and scheduling.

    Customization: Ghost offers a wide range of themes and plugins that allow for customization of the blog's design and functionality. This allows for a more personalized blog and enhances the user experience.Open source: Ghost is an open-source platform, which means it is constantly being updated and improved by a community of developers. This ensures that the platform remains up-to-date and secure.

    Fast and lightweight: Ghost is built on a modern technology stack, which makes it fast and lightweight. This means that blogs built on Ghost load quickly and perform well, which enhances the user experience and improves search engine rankings.

    Cost-effective: Ghost is a cost-effective platform, as it offers affordable pricing plans and allows for hosting on a variety of platforms. This is particularly important for a blog building company, as it allows for a lower cost of entry and greater flexibility in hosting options.

    Overall, Ghost offers a range of features that make it an ideal platform for building a blog building company. Its focus on blogging, simplicity, customization, open-source nature, speed, and cost-effectiveness make it a compelling choice for anyone looking to build a successful blog building business. Call 480-349-7842.

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    Built 100% with GrooveFunnels


    [email protected]

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    11346 E Emelita Ave 

    Mesa,, AZ 85208

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